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Turn It Off

"When you get on the road to heaven, down this road is blessing after blessing after blessing."

Jesus Christ came to earth to redeem mankind, to remit their sins, recreate their spirit man in His image, and reconcile them in righteousness so that life would be full of blessing. This sermon will encourage you in the story of the gospel and God's will to heal.

A Prosperous Soul

"God wants you to prosper. He wants you to succeed. He wants you to have a successful journey through life."

When we spend time in the Word of God, when we meditate on the truths of the Scripture, then the Holy Spirit and the washing of the Word renew our mind to God's generous blessings.

The Blessings of Redemption (Psalm 23)

"He’s always with you, and He’s not only with you, or beside you, He’s resident in you. As a redeemed child, you have a Shepherd who cares for you, who’s watching over you, who’s tending to your safety, who’s seeing what you need, who’s providing what you need because He’s Jehovah Jireh, the one who provides."

The 23rd Psalm paints a beautiful portrait of our loving God, Jehovah, and His redemptive names. He is Jireh, our provider, and Shammah, the presence of God with us. This unique look at a well-known psalm will bless you.

More Than Conquerors

"Through the blood, you PROSPER, you have His PEACE, you have His PRESENCE, and you walk in His POWER."

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, fought the devil and won. His victory is now our victory, and we stand confident in His presence, despite anything the enemy throws at us. We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS.

Great Redeemer

"He visited for a purpose, and here’s the purpose, to buy back, to pay the ransom, to pay for sin, but in paying for sin, He paid for sickness and disease. He paid for your total well-being. He paid so you could live successfully on earth."

Jesus is our Great Redeemer. His death and Resurrection purchased our freedom from sin and all the effects of sin. This foundational truth will have you rejoicing!

The Breath of God

"I’m not just reading because you’re supposed to. I’m reading because it changes me. It rearranges my heart and my life and my mind."

God's Word breaths life into us. As we study it, and put its principles in our heart, we are changed into His image. This sermon will encourage you.

Peace Like A River

"Eternal life is the DNA of God. And in that DNA is joy and peace and longsuffering."

The solution to any dilemma can be found in the Word of God. Long before we see the answer, we can have peace that it is on its way.

Take No Doubt Saying

"You're supposed to speak your faith and not your doubt."

Our thoughts will become our words. When we think on doubt, we will speak doubt. When we think on God's Word, we will speak God's Word, and God's Word, when spoken in faith, brings the promise.

Jesus Timeline, Part 1

  "The plan of God was crucifixion to redeem mankind."

God prepared a body for Jesus before the foundation of the world and sent Him to pay the full price to buy back mankind from sin and death. Part 1 looks at the finished work of the cross and Resurrection.

Heaven Tomorrow, Jesus Timeline, Part 2

"You are supposed to walk in the fullness of the Resurrection."

The day you believe Jesus died and was resurrected, that day you were lifted out of the kingdom of darkness, and you were placed in the kingdom of God. In that kingdom, now, right here, today, your inheritance is ready for you. This sermon continues a look at the fullness of Jesus' work on the earth

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