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$5.00 Each

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A Settled Word

"This Word is your seed. You plant it in your own heart; you share it with others; you plant it in their heart BECAUSE IT’S SETTLED."

God cannot lie, and the truth of His Word is forever settled. He will do what He promises. This sermon by Becky Combee will build your faith!

Listen to an excerpt.

From Death To Life

"I have new life in me. I have His nature. I am who He is."

A child of God is no longer in the dark but full of His abundant life. In this sermon, Becky Combee shows, from the Word of God, how this new life brings healing to the body and the mind.

Listen to an excerpt.

The War Between Body And Spirit

"Your body will never agree with your faith. Your faith will say, 'By Jesus’ stripes,' but your body will say, 'I’m really sick.'”

A key to healing in the Word of God is knowing the mind of the Spirit in man. This sermon by Becky Combee will give you an understanding of how to be led by the Spirit.

Listen to an excerpt.

Jesus, the Word

"God said, 'I want you back. I’m going to pay the price. I’m going to sacrifice My Son so that you can come home.'”

John 1:1 tells us Jesus is the Word of God and God Himself come to earth as a man. But what does that mean for man's salvation? What exactly did His death and Resurrection do?

Listen to an excerpt.

Our Generous Father Answers Prayer

"When we ask of God, we ask of our Father. We’re not asking a stranger."

We are not praying to God way up there, but to our loving heavenly Father. In this sermon, Becky Combee shares the Father's heart to hear and answer all that we ask for by faith.

Listen to an excerpt.

Our Desire In Prayer

"You can’t 'believe you receive' until you know what you’ve asked for."

Our loving heavenly Father answers prayer, but sometimes, we aren't sure what we're asking for or are asking for the wrong thing. This sermon continues Becky Combee's series on prayer of petition.

Listen to an excerpt.

Blessings Available

"Every good and perfect gift, every gift pertaining to life and godliness, every good thing, every spiritual gift that’s God’s will."

It is as we come to know God that we gain confidence in His desire to bless us. In this sermon, Becky Combee encourages believers to abide, to dwell, in God and thereby recognize His will for our prosperity and health.

Listen to an excerpt.

Simeon Awaits the Messiah

"The Holy Spirit…is in there with an assignment. He’s just not in there for the ride. He’s in there because as you listen to Him, as you’re led by Him, as you follow Him, you’re going to make the right decisions for your body."

Simeon recognized the baby, Jesus, as the Messiah because of a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. How much greater is our hearing of the Holy Spirit's words as born-again children of God? This is an amazing teaching on hearing from God in any situation.

Listen to an excerpt.

Follow Peter

"We need to face our disease and say, 'It is not possible that you can hold me in this place. It’s not possible!'"

An excellent sermon taken from the revelation of the disciple, Peter, by Becky Combee.

Listen to an excerpt.

The Holy Spirit Within

It is the Holy Spirit in the human spirit, that allows us to see, that teaches us, and causes us to know and understand.

When we walk with God, He will teach us who we are in Christ and what we need to know to walk a successful life. A foundational teaching by Becky Combee.

Listen to an excerpt.

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